Bentley LumenRT Help

LumenRT Traffic Tool

The LumenRT Traffic Tool allows the rapid creation of traffic along any road or highway. It accommodates bi-directional traffic flows and can be used for both right hand side and left hand side lane configurations. To use the multi-lane traffic tool, begin by selecting a collection of vehicles to use in the traffic population and then draw a path for the vehicles.
Tightness Sets how tightly or loosely the path curve bends around each way point.
  • Density - Sets the density of traffic along the path.
  • Min, Max Speed - Sets the minimum and maximum speed in either km per hour or miles per hour.
  • Two Way Road - If checked, indicates bi-directional traffic flow. Unchecked indicates one-way traffic.
  • Lanes - The number of lanes desired in each direction.
  • Width - The lane width in meters or feet.
  • Spacing - Only applies to bi-directional traffic and indicate the median space between the opposing lanes.
Intersection Where two or more roads meet and or are the points of potential vehicle conflict there you can intersect the traffic with help of this tool. To know more please go to Traffic Intersection tool section.
  • The number of vehicles you selected for the traffic will be visible.
  • Large vehicles - You can adjust the density of the vehicles into the created traffic scene.
  • Total Road length and total number of vehicle count is visible in the bottom of the traffic setting.